Kamis, 26 Juni 2014

Feeding on a hamster that has given rise to

Feeding on a hamster that has given rise to
The provision of nutritious foods in the hamster just gave birth is very important.
The food given to hamsters who gave birth or are breastfeeding them, pellets, nuts, and seeds that dipormulasikan Husus for hamsters. And provide additional food such as boiled fish and boiled eggs as an enhancer of protein and calcium, because good nutrition is necessary for the parent who are pregnant and breastfeeding.

under the title How to Breeding anYou have just read the article How to Breeding and Raising categorized d Raising Hamsters Hamster. You can bookmark this page with the URL http://cara-carabeternak.blogspot.com/2013/04/cara-beternak-hamster-dan-budidaya.html. Thank you!
- See more at: http://cara-carabeternak.blogspot.com/2013/04/cara-beternak-hamster-
Poker757.com Agen Judi Poker Online Terpercaya Indonesia dan-budidaya.html#sthash.9juW9Wmk.dpuf Initially I bought four pairs of hamsters, two females and two males in separate cages in a different, demihari day I run it with a relaxed and innocently I do not know that hamsters suddenly one month later already finished 12 tail hamster in its cage "is this a curse ... ..? ", and automatic as my newbie desperate, panic, until finally I diarrhea-diarrhea, the question arises in my mind" how nieh how to take care of him ...? ", or I list these babies to GNOTA. I put cardboard and lef in my neighbor's front door with the words "please save my baby", that is actually eaten by cats, or express themselves by shouting
"Tidaaaakkkkk .......".
"Tikussssss .............".
"Lapaaaaarrrr .......... loh ..".
             I think it's time for her swollen body overfed, so it turns out pregnant anyway, whoa I missed.

But with such a wild act will not solve the problem, all of this due to my unfamiliarity about hamsters less so by learning and doing trial and error I finally can now successfully mated hamsters, need not be complicated and on top of things will not happen if we are to understand and learn about hamsters, hamster mating was actually easy, nie I love the tips and tricks on how to marry a mini hamster but rather little difference between the types of Robo and Campbell.
You have to know when to productive age inbred hamster, the hamster productivity in April - September, then what about the other months ..?, Hamsters can mate in another month but not as much as the baby resulting in the months and days-productive period. Then when hamsters can begin mating.
Campbell and other mini hamster
             For Campbell hamsters male and female of childbearing age have entered the age of two months since his birth, at the time adan can begin to unite male and female, there is no physical symptoms that can show hamster sexual maturity but to be safe you can marry at the age of 2 months. Campbell hamsters for fertile period is every 3 days

             For male and female Robo hamster has entered the age of sexual maturity pasa 5 weeks of age, but for a new robo hamster usually ideally be in flower breeding at age 5 to 6 months, then to the fertile period is every 4 days.
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             So let the male and female hamsters united until the female has given birth completely and do not separate them and their everlasting love.

How to marry a hamster
             For more trivial I jelasin stages mated hamsters gradually make it more easy to understand.
1. Avoid Marriage blood on the Hamster (inbreeding)
             As the only informs much news spread that to all domesticated hamsters mostly the result of inbreeding or inbreeding that children with parents or siblings of the parent, the child's father, but it is not everything, it is compared hamsters in the wild rather difficult to eliminate the cultivation of inbreeding for hamsters, why inbreeding avoided ..?, this is due to genetic abnormalities are capable of triggering the resulting baby example: premature, birth defects, and weak conditions hamster and it can be tough at the age of 8 months at the time of hamsters.
But there is also news that the marriage with inbreeding does not cause problems on my hamster hamsters example due to lack sengajaan finally the child (male) mating with its parent (female), but until the age of 8 months hamster is still in good condition, all in how you take care of return pasa hamster during pregnancy and after childbirth. And the love and care they any good their presence because they are one of the creatures that God has the right to life.

Minggu, 15 Juni 2014

Laamaha gooyaa

Laamaha gooyaa
Marka koray laamood badan oo caleemo kilkisha,
KAISARBET.COM AGEN BOLA TERPERCAYA PIALA DUNIA 2014laamood golayaasha dawladda ee. Dooro labada laamood ee ugu weyn oo caafimaad qaba. Qeybta kale ee laamaha kale ee ku kora on afkoda si height ah 1.5 m ka dhulka ku noqon in goo. Gooyaa waxaa loo sameeyaa markii laan waxay ahayd gaaban, oo ku saabsan 3-5 cm. Waxa sidan ka duwan, laamood in koraan kor ku xusan xadka ee 1.5 m ogolyahay in ay koraan.

Making-of The

Create an madaxgashiyada ah u sarraysaa sida 2 m ballaaran oo 2 m sida ay faafinayeen dhirta.
The para-laga sameeyay baasaboorka.
Create an looxaan leh tolmo wanaagsan baasaboorka (galar) iyo xarig nylon sare ee guriga dushiisa sida meel dacaayad dhirta markii muddo wax soo saarka.

Siinta faafinta astaameeyo

Si aad u caawiso dhirta kor ugu sii kordhaya in dacaayad u-ee, waxay u baahan yihiin in ay ku soo lifaaq heyna for faafinta warshad walba.
Marker laga sameeyey oo dhagin baasaboorka iyo uma baahna in ay xoog bataan sababtoo ah madaxgashiyada jira. Marker qiyaastii 210 cm dheer iyo qarada weyn 2-3 cm.


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Dhirta Squash dhab hore u leeyihiin tendrils ah si loola isu xirashada si faafinta. Si kastaba ha ahaatee, inta aan la gaadhin ee-ka, dhirta u baahan tahay caawin dacaayad ah kor si joogto ah si aysan u dhafan yihiin.
Qabtaan geedka TUBEY at astaameeyo kasta oo adeegsanaya xarig Ravia 30-35 cm weheliyaan rin.
Haddii ka dib markii ay faafinayeen ee-ka, jihada ee koritaanka dhirta aan joogto ahayn oo maraxaladood u baahan yahay galar dhibic iyo xidhxidhnaa si hayayaashii.

Fayadhowrka Environmental

Samee jaridda dhirta cawska iyo haramaha si joogto ah, oo ay ku jiraan stretch ee hoos ku-ka. Jaridda dhirta waxaa lagama maarmaan ah inay sameeyaan, gaar ahaan inta lagu jiro xilli-roobaadka. Sababtoo ah nadaafad xumo kordhin doonaa cudur ee dhirta.



In xilliga uu dhulku qalalan, qabanayso waraabinta joogto ah si ay ciidda qoo.
In xilli-roobaadka, tixgelin gororka dheecaanka si ay biyo s