Sabtu, 08 Agustus 2015

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Selasa, 11 November 2014

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Sabtu, 27 September 2014

per 100 g of seeds. Petai

Petai Benefits Energy Sources Compared to apples, banana has four times as much protein, carbohydrates twice as much, three times the phosphorus, five times the vitamin A and iron, and twice the amount of other vitamins and minerals. Banana is a good source of energy, namely 142 kcal per 100 g of seeds. Petai contains three natural sugars, sucrose, fructose and glucose combined with fiber. The combination is capable lowongan kerja of providing an instant energy boost, but it is quite long and substantial.
The content of phosphorus in banana is also quite good, which is 115 mg per 100 g of seeds. Phosphorus is second only to calcium minerals. Approximately one percent of our body weight consists of phosphorus. DNA and RNA in our body is made up of phosphorus in the form of phosphate, as well as the cell membrane that helps maintain cell permeability. Most of the phosphorus absorbed by the body in the form of inorganic, especially in the upper part of the duodenum by 70 percent. Petai also contain vitamin C which is quite high, at 46 mg per 100 g of seeds. Vitamin C is a very important role in the hydroxylation of proline amino acid lysine clan, clan into hydroxylysine hydroxyproline. Its role is in the process of wound healing and the immune system against infections and stress. Average body's need for vitamin C is 75 mg per day for women and 90 mg per day. in adult men.
The content of vitamin A in banana is also quite good, which is 200 IU per 100 g. Vitamin A plays a role is always to keep the cornea healthy. Normal eye is usually issued mucus, the viscous liquid fatty issued mucosal epithelial cells, thus helping to prevent infection. However, when vitamin A deficiency, epithelial cells will remove keratin, a protein that is insoluble in water and mucus.
Loosen Nerves & Eliminate Depression Do you often feel bad is the mood? It was a sign that you are malnourished. Mood is controlled by the working system of the brain. Ability of the brain is affected by the input of nutrients needed. Various nutrients that must be supplied in a balanced of foods and beverages that we consume daily.
BEJOQQ.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA One of the nutrients that contribute improve mood is tryptophan (an essential amino acid).
Banana plants are often found in forests across Indonesia, because these plants are very easy to grow anywhere. In addition, the efficacy of the banana itself has considerable benefits for the body which can relax the nerves

Selasa, 09 September 2014

Tämä lajike on seurausta risteytys

Tämä lajike on seurausta risteytys (viljeltyjen lajikkeiden) etelään prinsessa x
2 mahdollisen tuoton välillä 25-35 tonnia hehtaarilta.
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4. iho ja oranssi malto makea
Agen Bola nuori.
5. Maku bataatti ja hieman vetinen.
6 lajikkeet kestävät rupi tai rupi.
b) Prambanan
1 saatu tuloksia risteyttämällä lajikkeita teho x Centenial II.
2 mahdollisen tuoton välillä 25-35 tonnia hehtaarilta.
3. sadonkorjuu 135 päivää istutuksen jälkeen.
4. iho ja makea appelsiini lihaa.
5. Maistele herkullista ja bataatti.
6 lajikkeet kestävät rupi tai rupi.
c) Borobudur
1 Tämä lajike on seurausta risteytys lajikkeiden teho x Philippina.
2 mahdollisen tuoton välillä 25-35 tonnia hehtaarilta.
3. iho ja oranssi malto bataatti.
4. sadonkorjuu 120 päivää istutuksen jälkeen.
5. Makea maku makea.
6 lajikkeet kestävät rupi tai rupi.
d) Mendut
1 Tämä lajike on peräisin käyttöönotosta kloonialkuperää MLG 12653 Iita, Nigeria 1984.
2 mahdollista tuottoa 25-50 tonnia hehtaarilta.
3 Sadonkorjuu ssetelah 125 päivää istutus.
4 Maku bataatti.
5. lajikkeet kestävät rupi tai rupi.
e) Kalasan
1 Lajikkeet tuotu Taiwanista.
2 mahdollisen tuoton välillä 31,2-42,5 tonnia / ha eli keskimäärin 40 tonnia / ha.
3. korjuu 95-100 päivää istutuksen jälkeen.
4 punaruskea perunat ihonvärin, kun nuori oranssi malto bataatti (keltainen).
5. Maku oli melko bataattia, keskikokoinen rakenne, ja hieman vetinen.
6 Lajikkeet hieman kestävät peruna tuhohyönteiset (Cylas sp.).
7 Lajikkeet soveltuvat istutettu kuivaan tilaan asti märkä, ja voivat sopeutua maa
3 Benefit PLANT
   Tietyillä aloilla, bataatti on peruselintarvike hyödykkeitä. Bataatti on tärkeä elintarviketta Indonesiassa ja viljeltyjen väestöä alanko ylängölle. Nämä kasvit pystyvät mukautumaan vähemmän hedelmällinen alueilla ja kuiva. Näin nämä kasvit voidaan viljellä ympäri vuoden.

Bataatit voidaan jalostaa erilaisia ​​tai erilaisia ​​jalostettuja tuotteita. Useita mahdollisuuksia monipuolistaa tyyppisen käytön bataatit voidaan
Agen Bola nähdä alla:
) Lehti: kasvikset, rehu

Senin, 01 September 2014

Gartenerdbeertiefland Cepu Stadt in Zentral-Java

von: (.. Brassica oleracea L. var Botrytis subvar cauliflora DC) Kamarudin Blumenkohl ist eine Art von Gemüse in der Familie der Brassicaceae (Kohl-Typ mit kleinen SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA weißen Blüten) enthalten. Indonesische Volk zu nennen pflegte Blumenkohl oder Kohl Blum (von dem niederländischen Wort Bloemkool abgeleitet). Diese Pflanze stammt aus dem Mittelmeerraum, die ein subtropisches Klima hat, und von Experten Mc.Mohan Samen von Amerika im Jahr 1866 entwickelt, wird geschätzt, Blumenkohl eingegeben Indonesien im neunzehnten Jahrhundert wurden von Menschen aus India.BUDIDAYA Brokkoli & Blumenkohl gebracht - und Broccoli Blumenkohl ist ein Gemüse, das oft verbraucht wird, auch durch das indonesische Volk. Diese Gemüse in Indonesien vor nicht langer Zeit (etwa den 1970er Jahren) und ist jetzt sehr beliebt als Lebensmittelzutat, so möglicherweise, wenn wir wollen versuchen, Geschäfts Brokkoli Anbau zu tun.
Außerdem ist der Anbau von Brokkoli nicht schwierig, wie andere Gemüsepflanzen, aber das muss berücksichtigt werden, ist die Zufuhr von Wasser und Höhen von Land wie Farmen.
Hier wird den Weg Ting Brokkoli und Blumenkohl (Brassica oleraceae var. Italica und oleraceae Brassica var. Botrytis) und EMP-Technologie zu teilen.
Wachsende Anforderungen A.
1 Boden: sandiger Lehm bis Lehm, brüchig und enthalten Bio-Zutaten. 2 - optimale Boden-pH: 6.0 bis 6.8. 3 Höhe: 400-2000 m über dem Meeresspiegel. 4 Sonstige Anforderungen: Lage offen und bekommt volle 


Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014

Shoots out of the grass is cut and

Shoots out of the grass is cut and ready to be bred. Generative way rarely done in large scale cultivation of sweet potato. This method is used to propagate seeds in mind a limited scale. Or to restore the superior characteristics of the parent sang.

The second way is clonal with distek. Indukan candidates taken from a plant on a two-month-old with very short steps. The trick, cut the plant stems about 15-25 cm long. In each piece there are at least two steps on the trunk. Papas some leaves to reduce evaporation. Tie rods have distek and leave it for a week in the shade.

Multiplication by stem cuttings continuously Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya   will reduce the quality of the crop. Therefore, multiplication by cuttings is recommended for 3-5 generations of cultivation.
Treatment of land for the cultivation of sweet potato

Soil conditions are suitable for the cultivation of sweet potatoes is sandy clay, loam, contain much chaos and have good drainage. Sweet potato cultivation on dry land and cracks, will reduce crop immunity. Easy stricken plant pests and diseases. In contrast when planted tarnish or wet place, the source will dwarf, high fiber, rotten grass and forms a lump.

Degree of acidity of the soil are ideal for the cultivation of sweet potato around 5.5 to 7.5 pH. This plant grows well on moor land or container fields. On moor land, suitable sweet potato cultivation is done at the end of the rainy season. While more suited to rice paddy in the dry season.

Senin, 11 Agustus 2014

For long-term storage (long)

For long-term storage (long), wrap the package should be sealed. Packaging (packing) for storage you should use a thick plastic bag. Ear fungus arranged in layers in a plastic bag. Once the bag is full, mouth cupped surface of the plastic bag, then pressed a little to remove the air in it. In a vacuum, Tangkupan mouth plastic bag folded and tied with a rubber or rope.

Mushroom packaging in a plastic bag inserted in a container of wooden or cardboard box is tight and not leaking. Packaging fungus arranged in layers and each box (carton) can be charged according to their capacities.

To prevent destructive pests carton and packing mushrooms, then each storage box filled CS2 are included in a small bottle. Bottle stopper with cotton mouth, then tuck the bottle in the middle of the composition of the plastic bag in a carton fungi. Arrange the mushroom packaging containers in a closed state.

Storage of dried mushroom in a SARANA99.COM AGEN TEXAS POKER DAN DOMINO ONLINE INDONESIA TERPERCAYA plastic bag and cardboard box is good and does not leak could last for 1 year. Storage in large quantities and long term should be used floor room that is equipped with a wooden board that was given shoes. While the limited storage can be placed on a floor covered with paper or plastic sheets.

Mushroom seeds produced through breeding stages. The first stage is the breeding spores (basidiospores) produced by a basidium. This stage is done through tissue culture and culture results at this stage in the form of fungal threads (mycelium) called the first derivative (F1). The second stage is the mycelium F1 breeding. Breeding is the reproduction stage mycelium culture results ...