Kamis, 28 Agustus 2014

Shoots out of the grass is cut and

Shoots out of the grass is cut and ready to be bred. Generative way rarely done in large scale cultivation of sweet potato. This method is used to propagate seeds in mind a limited scale. Or to restore the superior characteristics of the parent sang.

The second way is clonal with distek. Indukan candidates taken from a plant on a two-month-old with very short steps. The trick, cut the plant stems about 15-25 cm long. In each piece there are at least two steps on the trunk. Papas some leaves to reduce evaporation. Tie rods have distek and leave it for a week in the shade.

Multiplication by stem cuttings continuously
Kakakdewa.com Agen Judi Bola Resmi Taruhan Judi online Terpercaya   will reduce the quality of the crop. Therefore, multiplication by cuttings is recommended for 3-5 generations of cultivation.
Treatment of land for the cultivation of sweet potato

Soil conditions are suitable for the cultivation of sweet potatoes is sandy clay, loam, contain much chaos and have good drainage. Sweet potato cultivation on dry land and cracks, will reduce crop immunity. Easy stricken plant pests and diseases. In contrast when planted tarnish or wet place, the source will dwarf, high fiber, rotten grass and forms a lump.

Degree of acidity of the soil are ideal for the cultivation of sweet potato around 5.5 to 7.5 pH. This plant grows well on moor land or container fields. On moor land, suitable sweet potato cultivation is done at the end of the rainy season. While more suited to rice paddy in the dry season.

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